mentioned that my first image of M42 - Orion Nebula was what really got me hooked on Astrophotography... Here is it, the original image... in all its unfocused, star trailing and way off colors...
Yes it's not good, but to go from looking through an eye piece to seeing this was amazing to me... Orion is typically a winter target but I happen to be working nights monitoring a test and noticed that it was rising at 2:23 am local and I would have a decent shot at getting some real shots of it. It was hiding in the clouds so I dropped the exposures down to 15s to hope I could get a few cloud free shots. By the 100th shot I was dead even (50 cloud free and 50 full or mostly cloudy shots), but just before dawn it got above the clouds and my guiding kicked in... Below is the live stacking version with ShareCap Pro of the return to my initial target...
I'll try to post-process this with PixInsight and Photoshop to see what I can get out of it... but from where I started to this its quite the change. Thank you M42 for getting me started